

infertility..trying to "copy and paste" since late 2012.

how important do i feel :)

Even if it’s just me reading my own words…….as is the case…it feels so lekker just to write something and throwing it out for whome ever to read. and if you are reading this….shame..why

So tomorrow we retake this silly journey. New doctor new steps involved….hopeful for a different outcome thou. It is never easy but like my Dad always says, as long as you’ve got a line in the water,there will be hope of catching something.

So here’s hoping


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FET date set

Soooo excited. Received email today that early October we can get started with first frostie transfer. I am so excited about trying a new procedure. Maybe the outcome will be different also 

So please any advice,tips,recommendations MORE THAN WELCOME 🌻

Yeah so we climb back on this crazy roller coaster

Been a while. HI👋🏻

It’s been a while since I last posted something. Slightly overwhelmed by recent events with the hospitalization and then friends falling pregnant so easily. I had a few days of feeling extremely sorry for myself BUT luckily that passed and I can try and get this jelly belly firmer and try and cut back on my coffee and sugar intake. Google and YouTube advise for improving FET is sifted through and one heafty diet plan in construction at present. 

But let me be honest…I can’t help thinking for a few seconds WHEN WILL IT BE MY TURN, especially when friends fall pragnant that got married years after us.  Buy hey,at least I KNOW it will be our turn one day. This “marathon”, to reach the same finish line that comes so naturally for many, is MINE. It’s my story and I really believe I was placed on this path to help others,build my character, truly made me tougher and I see the world different. We are sooo many with the same struggles. I can’t say I understand it fully but I embrace it. 

Thank you for reading my ramblings.

Have a blessed week and notice the miracles around you everyday 

OHSS…..but 8excellent frosties

Had my egg retrieval done 5August…16eggies. Which is unusual big amount for the type of stims they used BUT HEY IT’S THE OLYMPICS.  Had some discomfort and popped paracetamol every 6hours. Monday 8th I went to local dr for sonar just to see why so uncomfortable. Ovaries had 3cm follicles and they were the size of avocados. But no one panicked because embryo transfer was due on Wednesday. Even wehen bloated belly and slight difficulty breathing got tad worse, I didn’t complain TRANSFER DAY WAS SO CLOSE. But… of my nurse friends came to visit in her lunch break and afterwards she phoned my hubby and he phoned his gynecologist uncle…     well..   With in 2 hours I was admitted in hospital, bloods drawn and chest xrays done…. 

But back to the business what it’s all about. 🙂 This too is new ground for me. frosties… 8 good ones, so any advice is welcome because this was our last go ay ivf. Can not put my. hubby nor myself thru this again. 


August IVF cycle 3 

….lucky number three. Had all these plans to get my BMI down a bit but failed miserably 🙂  But still have time. The weather does NOT make salads more appealing….warm comfy foods is more my thing. BUT I WILL TRY  🙂 August last year we had our first IVF attempt and I must say the emotions have calmed a bit… 

Let’s make a plan then

Since we can only try again in August…. exactly year after first failed IVF and 5 months after failed second IVF  I have a lot of time to try a new plan. So let’s drop some kilos and up the amount of 🍍 and avocados. “Dr” Google has thousands of articles about certain foods that should in some weird scientific way improve implantation.  So I will be my own ginnypig and try it. Have nothing to lose -what a strange contradiction-but everything to gain.

So apparently I started this new diet/lifestyle changes 1April
.I should not have chosen April’s Fools day.  Already finished a lovely Lindt chocolate slab.   But seriously….I will start from today.   well I hope   🙂

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